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Thursday, January 1, 2015

January Goals!

WARNING:  I am doing a combination of things. I've always been an extremist, which is really bad but I cant change who I am: I either do it full on or not at all.

 Starting Weight: 279.6  Projected ....Ending Weight: 259.6

Goals January 1- January 31  

  1.  Lose 20 Pounds by January 28th ( Boyfriends Birthday!) We're going to Atlantic City so Food and Alcohol are going to be consumed. I want a nice Jump-Start on the year and I want to feel more comfortable in sexy outfits ( wink wink)  ; ) 
  2. To Not end up in the hospital for my asthma. I really need to take better care of myself when It comes to my medicine. 
  3. Stay committed and Focused. I need to do every single workout and stick to the plans! If I get off track one day, I shouldn't let that stop me. Sometimes when I'm with my bf I'm not in fitness mode because I haven't expressed to him my workout goals yet. I don't want to be the person to always "say" that they want to lose weight. I want to BE the person who achieves results that he can see, then I'll tell him everything. 
  4. Eat Clean and Healthier. I tend to drink a TON of calories and munch on whatever's around. Then at Rutgers, I eat a bunch of random food because of the dining hall. I don't want to let a couple trips to the dining hall unravel everything I worked so hard for. Food is not my enemy but the bitch isn't my friend. I need to make peace with myself and get it in my head that what I eat is important and it matters. I am VERY close to 300 pounds! By going crazy, I could easily end up there and be so far gone that I cant catch up. I have the time now to eat right and January is the best month because everyone has a new years resolution to lose weight and eat better!

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